How to Say Goodbye

date 2024-07-02 02:54

How to Say Goodbye - atmospheric puzzle gamefor Android devices.Parallel Reality Erummy bonus appscape This puzzle game for Android will introduce you to the story of a character who tued into a ghost and found himself lost in an unfamiliar parallel world inhabited by the same disoriented and lost spirits. Also, the hero will have to find his friends in this unusual world, who, like him, fell into the trap of a mysterious wizard. Here you have to overcome level after level, moving various objects and decorations along the grids so that the hero and his friends can find a way out of the parallel world. 15 story chaptersYou candownload free Android puzzle game and travel through more than 15 chapters of the storyline, where you will find detailed and atmospheric locations, each of which will have special details and decorations. Numerous puzzles are waiting for you, inspired by illustrations from classic children's literature, gradually the complexity of the tests will increase, so you can pump your mindfulness and logical skills. As you progress through the game, you will be able to uncover all the secrets of the wizard who imprisoned the characters in this unfamiliar world, lea the secrets of lost souls and find the friends of the main character in order to find a way out together.CPU---Android OS3.1Open GL---Free Space 389 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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