CC A Multiplayer Survival Game

date 2024-06-23 18:06

CC - A Multiplayer Survival Game - multiplayer pixel role-playing game for android devices . Unique online RPG Awesome idea that has grown into an entire multiplayer project! CC - A Multiplayer Survival Game - a game that combines the genres of RPG and survival games, and all this is seasoned with casual design and sophisticated gameplay in the spirit of classic games. Here you have to survive - collect valuable materials to make weapons for self-defense, explore the territory of locations to search for safe areas, and also be prepared to meet other players, because here everyone is for himself! Simple and entertaining The fascinating multiplayer mode will open the CC - A Multiplayer Survival Game to full, each match, each new card is unique! At the very beginning of the gamrummy buddye you will have 4 logs, 3 lives and quite a bit of energy. During the movement and the execution of various actions, energy will be consumed, but over time this indicator will be restored, and you can eat fruit to replenish it. This RPG is not just an online adventure, but a real race for survival, in which only the strongest will win.CPU---Android OS4.0Open GL---Free Space 3.45 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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