Idle Human 2 – Download game for Android/iOS

date 2024-05-15 11:04

KTO.com9 16.8165L11.8955 20.5574M11.8955 20.5574L8.15465 20.819M11.8955 20.5574L15.6364 20.2958M11.8955 20.5574L12.1571 24.2983" stroke="#0E0C10" stroke-width="3.75" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">Game overviewExplore human, robotic, and alien body models with improved graphics in Idle Human 2 - the fun way to learn!

Game description generated withAI

Welcome to Idle Human 2, where you can embark on an exciting journey to explore and learn about the intricacies of the Human, Robotic and Alien body, just like millions of other players worldwide!Indulge in improved and captivating graphics that will give you an immersive gaming experience. With 7 fully detailed models waiting to be discovered, each with its unique features, you Dragon VS Tiger Slotswill be spoiled for choice.The gameplay has been distilled into an effortless and smooth experience, making the exploration and learning process a breeze. Delve into the mysteries of the human body and have fun like never before!Show more
